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Industry First & Leading Mental Well-being Qualification

Understand the importance of mental and social well-being in the fitness environment. As well as basic tools to incorporate these aspects into your coaching. 


21st May 2023 - Member Course

£499.00 Regular Price
£349.00Sale Price
  • The course covers 7 modules on the day, which make up your learning outcomes; 

    1. Mental Health overview (to get everyone thinking the same)
    2. Stigmas - What are they? How they work & how to deal with them
    3. Mental Toughness - The impact on your clients, you and everyone.
    4. How we can use mental toughness daily Resilience - What is it? What role does it play?  How can we improve it
    5. Social Support - What is it? Examples of how we can use it
    6. Mindset - Understanding, reflection and clarity on who you are
    7. Choice - The ultimate power which effects everything you do today, tomorrow and beyond Course Structure

    The course is completed over 1 day (4 hours). 3 hours of teaching and workshops followed by a 20 minute assessment. 

Conctact us:

07469 210820

Company Details:

Tribox Ltd 14084697

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